Dear Lisa, With regard to your letter of 11th August, it seems that I am amongst the list of suspects that may have removed "items that have been planted by another resident" and I must, therefore, issue this denial. Firstly, it is deplorable that I should feel obliged to spend time on this matter, given that we are fighting a global epidemic; I imagine that, as the character who spends most time tending the 'garden' is one 'Frothy' Bradley of 157, that's he of the violent expressions, this accusation has been made by him or by one of his drunken, putrescent associates. Has the Council nothing better to do than entertain these games? As the Council has an apparent surfeit of time, could you ask your colleagues to produce a response to my official complaint, made through the proper channels, concerning another occasion when the Council chose to act against the Borough's last civilised resident, known as 'Sarah's Stitch-Up'? That matter led to a conviction, and a criminal record, possibly for indulging in no greater act of anti-social behaviour than picking my own street! As Frothy is involved here, there is the inevitable link to ASB case 19914, still unresolved, with WMP not responding to my reluctant complaint that my neighbour has not been pursued for that documented abuse, threatening behaviour and assault. It is very saddening that 'functional' relations have been turned into such a hateful and recriminatory circumstance, brought about by the landlord's (that is the Council's) acceptance, reprehensible in my view, of pets in communal areas. In terms of the present issue of the communal garden, we are talking here of a small area of about ten square metres; though I'm reluctant to suggest a solution that would reduce green space, would increase rainfall run-off and increase the risk of flooding, how about slabbing the area? I'll fund the materials up to fifty pounds cost. I'm also reminded of those 'halcyon days' when I would provide thanks and a non-sickly cake to my neighbour for his efforts in sweeping the yard! How sad now! Perhaps the Council might spend a little time in mediation? David Austin